Inside story
Where are you based?
What volunteer role(s) do you do for the IFoA?
I review articles on COVID-19 written by actuaries and others for the Pandemics Hub.
How long have you been volunteering?
I have been in this role since March 2020.
What’s involved in your role(s)?
Commissioning, reviewing and publicising articles.
What motivates you to volunteer for the IFoA?
It’s interesting, fun and value-adding, and I meet great people. All on Zoom!
What have you/do you hope to achieve in your volunteer role?
We have supported the production of about one article a week since March 2020.
What new skills or knowledge do you think you have developed?
Knowledge of pandemics and the effect on all areas of actuarial work.
Has this assisted your lifelong learning?
Oh yes! Do you think volunteering has helped you in your day job? Yes, getting a different perspective is always useful.
Have there been any memorable moments?
Discovering that one of my colleagues runs ‘world cup’ competitions on Twitter. The latest one is the ‘world cup of desserts’.
How do you balance your day job and your volunteer role?
My roles are fairly flexible. The hardest balancing act is the time difference between the UK, Gibraltar and India.
What would you say to others considering a volunteer role?
Just flipping do it!
How do you relax away from the office?
My office is my spare room. I go for walks, do cryptic crosswords, trace my family tree and use my Oculus Quest VR headset.
Who is your role model – in life or in business?
No one person but I’m inspired by many women, from Christine Lagarde and Angela Merkel to my five best friends.
What was your earliest dream job?
I wanted to be a French teacher, so I did language A Levels.
What word best describes you?
Do you prefer a staycation or holiday abroad? I go on holiday to Spain, which is next door to where I live – so technically a staycation.
If you were locked in a famous building for one night...which would it be and why?
The Alhambra in Granada – all that symmetry and beauty.
What would you consider to be the most brilliant moment of your career to date?
It’s all been amazing. I’ve had fun, met great people, learned a lot and most importantly made a difference.
Kathryn Morgan Non-executive director, Soteria Insurance/Marshmallow Insurance