Actuary of the future: TRISHLA DOSHI
Place of residence
Mumbai, India.
Hobbies & interests
Reading mystery novels, writing poems, drawing, listening to music.
Tell us an interesting fact about yourself
I don’t let go of things even if they seem impossible to achieve. Sometimes, it works in my favour.
Greatest risk you have ever taken?
I let an internship offer in a non-actuarial role go because I only wanted to intern in an actuarial department. Luckily, I secured a pricing internship at Hdfc Ergo General Insurance.
What sort of Actuary of the Future will you be?
An all-rounder, dedicated to my profession, have a good work-life balance and an active IFoA volunteer.
What kind of actuarial work are you aiming to be involved in?
I would like to start my career in valuations at a reinsurance company.
What’s an interesting actuarial topic you’ve been following?
I have been following updates on bicycle insurance and the companies that provide them. It’s fascinating to imagine what products might be insured 20 years from now.
What motivates you?
I imagine how happy I would be when I achieve a particular thing, and the excitement and motivation follows.
What would be your personal motto?
Winners don’t quit and quitters don’t win.
Name five dream companions to be stuck on a desert island with
Sundar Pichai, Edmond Halley, the Wright Brothers (we won’t be stuck on the island for long) and Emma Watson.
What’s your most ‘actuarial’ habit?
Adding the numbers on a number plate and the happy feeling when the addition is an even number.
Favourite Excel function?
Solver, it is so easy to use and has wide practical applications.
If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you, and why?
Emma Watson. She is an amazing actress and I feel she has the talent to play me.
What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?
Recently, I calculated my attendance allowing for 2% error reduction and my actual attendance turned out to be the one I had calculated without the error reduction.
Alternative career choice?
A commercial pilot.
If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet?
Agatha Christie. I would love to get some tips on how to write a good mystery novel.
If you could be anyone else, who would it be?
JK Rowling.